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How FFA Has Positively Impacted My Life

  • By Makenna Pierce
    By Makenna Pierce

In 2019, I moved from the big city of Houston, Texas to Ainsworth, Nebraska. This may not seem like a big change, but it was. I lived in the city surrounded by skyscrapers, then I moved to the country surrounded by fields and pastures.

Before I moved, I didn’t know that FFA or ag education was even an option. I didn’t know that agriculture was such a part of everyday life, I didn’t know that without it we wouldn’t have food or clothing.

After living here for a few months I decided that I wanted to know everything that I was hearing and seeing about, so I took an agricultural education class and joined FFA. When I heard people talking about agriculture, I had no idea what they were talking about.

Joining FFA has opened my eyes to everything around me. Through my agriculture classes I have learned about range plants, animals, and leadership skills.

In FFA, I have participated in range judging, creed speaking, leadership conventions, and conferences. FFA has prepared me for life not just in school but for my future, no matter where I am.

I plan on being involved in many more FFA related activities and even might run for an FFA officer position. I have discovered abilities within myself and have made some amazing friendships

I haven’t just changed my life in Nebraska but I have exposed my friends from Texas to agriculture and FFA. I am grateful for the opportunities that being in agricultural classes and FFA has given me.