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How FFA Has Positively Influenced My Life

  • By Ty Schlueter
    By Ty Schlueter

FFA has become a huge part of my life in the 3 years I have been in high school. I have met new people and learned new skills, and FFA also ties into my life of growing up on a ranch. Being active in FFA has taught me discipline, public speaking, and teamwork.

A big part of FFA is working with other members in your FFA Chapter. There are many team competition activities that members can take part in throughout the year, like Career Development Events (CDEs), Leadership Development Events (LDEs), and hands-on competitions like Range or Livestock Judging. I enjoy working alongside my friends in competition. We have a lot of fun at practices and it creates memorable experiences.

FFA has given me a great experience. I have learned how to speak or persuade a group of people through Parliamentary Procedure. I have cultured knowledge about wildlife and the environment from multiple Range Judging competitions and Natural Resources tests. On each one of these activities, I have been competing on a team with my fellow members. We have cultivated teamwork by working together and communicating with one another in each activity.

I have accomplished many things during my time in FFA. The most important one is learning how to communicate with others and reach a final goal. One of my favorite activities is the Natural Resources test that we can take at the Career Development Events competition, which is when our team works together to answer written questions about the environment. Communicating in the workplace is going to be a big part of whatever career path I chose, so being in FFA has definitely taught me how to accomplish this.

Being in FFA is one of my favorite experiences in my high school career. I have learned so much information from FFA that will help me apply my future career to helping the world.